Friday, 25 September 2009

The Friday Feeling

Yesterday was such a completely unexciting day that last night when I sat down to write my blog, I actually fell asleep. So I've figured that actually I shouldn't be so hard on myself as there is a fatal flaw to blogging: When my life is being interesting enough to write about I never have time (or am not sober enough - see disasterous last post), and when I do have time to write, nothing exciting has happened. Maybe I am not, after all, the worst blogger in the world. I am just spare time-deprived.

So yesterday was truly dull. Really. I went to work and then I went home. Wednesday was much more fun - went to a free screening of The Wizard of Oz at MoreLondon with Sam and Matt. It rained, I became numb from sitting on the concrete, but it was all good. So much so that I am planning on going back next Wednesday to watch Strictly Ballroom, probably sans Ollie as kitsch Australian comedies are not his thing - how is this possible?

So today is my last day at Fight for Sight. I had decided to make one of the lovely flourless chocolate cakes from the Daring Bakers recipes, but in my shattered state last night it all went horribly wrong. So am at work (currently on lunch) trying to tie up all of the loose ends at my desk. I am sorry to be leaving as I've had lots of fun times here, but I am also glad to be going back to Uni and the world of lie-ins, midweek drinking binges and 'study' time in the Goldsmiths student union.

Will I ever be ready to give up student life? Probably not. For now I will just click my office-friendly sensible ruby slippers and return home.

You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun
Step into the light

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