Saturday 24 October 2009

Jen's Going to Borneo!!

So, the good news: I am feeling SO much better and my senses have returned, it is not long until I go to Paris, and my lovely friend Brock will be coming to London in just over a month.

And the bad news: The wars of words continue, although I am determined not to dwell on this.

Aside from news, good or bad, I had a lovely evening last night being local. Sam and Jen came over to the flat for one of our South East Asia reunion evenings. We ate some curry that I made from the new Anjum Anand cookbook (amazing), drank some Katy and watched a whole series of League, quoting the good bits and doing the voices. This may sound like an obscure way to spend an evening considering all that London has to offer, but they are the best times.

Jen has had some completely amazing news that Sam and I are so totally jealous of. Jen has obtained a bursary to go and work in Borneo for three months in building and environmental projects. The problem is that despite having a bursary, there is still so much money to be raised towards the expedition. So, Sam and I have decided to help with some fundraising to help Jen get to Borneo and continue some of the amazing work done by the Raleigh International Trust. The first part of the fundraising will be collecting sponsorship for a 5k run in Greenwich Park in December dressed in a Santa suit. I am going to be very persistent about sponsorship, so BE WARNED!! Also, I must stress that we are not fundraising to send our friend on a wonderful holiday, but help the Raleigh International Trust continue with their invaluable projects overseas. More details of what they do can be found here.


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