Saturday, 21 November 2009

If You Run Away, They Get You. And if You Stand Still, Well...They Get You Too.

Any film buff worth their salt usually has an opinion on City of God. This happens to be one of my all time favourite films. It is based around a true story, and the actual storyline and plot are not complicated or spectacular but the way the film is shot and the soundtrack beautifully captures both the Brazilian spirit and the tragedies of slum life. What is also clever is that the film focuses on the tale of a young man living in the City of God whose ultimate goals are being a photographer and losing his virginity, not on the gangsters themselves. Of course, the story of the gangs are what the film is about, but to have the straight guy as the protagonist not only adds humour and a different dimension, but also throughout the film you constantly question whether Rocket will become more involved in gang life. The film has three main stages: the early part of his life in sixties Brazil, all shot through a filter to make the long shots of the landscape look sunny and orange, the Brazil that exists in most people's minds. Then it focuses on his teenage years in the 70s, which is shot in what appears to be super-8 format, but isn't. Then finally, the 'war', which is all very grey and depressing. It needs to be seen to be appreciated. Plus, I don't want to have the responsibility of ruining it for whoever wants to see it.

And if you like it, watch Gomorrah, a film set in the slums of Naples.

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